Roads | October 11, 2016

Kealy – Labor forgot to announce roads funding

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP says the Minister for Roads and Road Safety was too ashamed to show his face last week when nine Labor Government Ministers visited Horsham for the State’s first Regional Partnership Assembly.


“There is no doubt our crumbling roads are the biggest issue in Western Victoria, so why wasn't the Roads Minister present at the Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Assembly,” Ms Kealy said.


"We had nine Ministers in town, our roads are falling apart, yet even give the dangerous condition of our local roads not one dollar of roads funding was announced.


“Many sections of the Western, Wimmera, Henty, Borung and Glenelg Highways are simply crumbling to rubble, putting local lives at risk and causing considerable damage to vehicles.

"Some Ministers braved our dangerous roads to travel to Horsham, but not surprisingly most took the safe option of flying. 


“Labor's recurrent funding cuts to roads have reduced road resurfacing and rehabilitation works in our local area, causing the current and dangerous state of our roads.

"Thanks to The Nationals, the Premier has almost a billion dollars to spend in Regional Victoria on the back of the Port of Melbourne sale. There is now no reason why Daniel Andrews can’t immediately fix our county roads and save country lives. 


“I urge local people to keep reporting all road hazards to VicRoads via my website or by phoning 13 11 70. This will help give VicRoads the data they need to demonstrate that more funding is needed to respond to road hazard reports.


“It appears that last week’s Regional Partnership Assembly was just another Labor Government talkfest, just like Rudd's infamous Ideas Summit.


“Labor must understand that we're sick of their talk and action is needed now to build a better and safer region for our communities to thrive,” she said.

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