Roads Speeches | May 01, 2019

Member's statement - Regional Roads

Victorian Parliament - 01 May 2019 - Ms KEALY (Lowan) (09:49): I recently received an outstanding letter from a student from Rainbow that highlights the terrible conditions of roads in country Victoria under Labor. I quote:

Dear Emma Kealy, Hi my name is Heidi and I am 12 years old from Rainbow Victoria. I live on Birchip-Rainbow Road and the last five years the road we live on has been getting worse and worse. All the time on the way to school we pass really big trucks and we are lucky to have a brilliant bus driver otherwise we would crash the bus into the trees. It is not just me and my friends that go on the bus that are effected it is also my parents and other people that travel to work every day. My mum has told me the story of when the big trucks make her get off the road and she has been close to crashing. My mum has reported this to VicRoads multiple times and has been told there is no funding, and I would be sad if one of my friends or family are killed driving along this road, so please can you find some funding to fix our road before something bad happens.

Thanks, Heidi … I urge the minister to urgently address the dire need for road repairs on Birchip-Rainbow Road, to listen to our bright youth, like Heidi, and to provide more funding for VicRoads to allow them to fix our roads and save country lives.

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