Education Agriculture | June 26, 2020
Agri-business centre redevelopment for Longerenong
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has said that after years of advocating it was fantastic that finally the Longerenong College agri-business centre will be upgraded to give the next generation of farmers the learning environment and facilities they deserve.
“I have repeatedly called on the Andrews Labor Government to fund redevelopment of the Longerenong agri-business center,” Ms Kealy said.
“In 2014 the Liberal Nationals provided $2 million to refurbish 108 student rooms and six disabled access rooms.
“Today’s long awaited funding announcement to redevelop Longy’s agri-business centre will ensure the College can build on its reputation as a world renowned provider of agricultural education.
“Through its strong reputation in delivering first class agricultural education excellence, Longy draws students from right across Australia and even overseas, supporting world-class food and fibre production”, she said.
Refurbishment of the Longerenong College agri-business centre will see upgrades to student classrooms, an auditorium, a computer laboratory and a student resource centre. Student amenities will also be upgraded to create one multi-functional facility.
“I congratulate Longerenong College for this fantastic funding announcement today and commend them on their tireless efforts to deliver quality agribusiness training in western Victoria,’ Ms Kealy said.