Education Baimbridge College | March 22, 2017
Baimbridge College
Victorian Parliament – 22 March 2017 - Ms KEALY - My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is to fund the redevelopment of Baimbridge College in Hamilton. I have visited Baimbridge College on a number of occasions. It is a fantastic school. It has a wonderful school community. They do have wonderful school outcomes, whether it is academic results or the production of wonderful young adults who are doing great things in the local community, taking on the world and making Hamilton proud. The staff group is led by Rob Vecchiet, a great principal, and he does a great job supporting his fabulous staff in supporting their students.
I have been to the school on a number of occasions. I do not know if anybody else has been there, but certainly the college is on a sprawling campus. There are a number of buildings. Some of those buildings are not used any longer. Some of them are in dire need of repair, with damage to ceilings, walls and roof lines, and it desperately needs funding. We recognised that. The National Party recognised that prior to the last election, and we made a funding commitment to redevelop Baimbridge College.
We saw last year that the Labor government funded a planning study for Baimbridge College. My understanding is that planning study has now been completed. It is no longer time for delaying tactics and trying to put off this redevelopment. It is desperately needed, so I therefore urge the minister to immediately fund redevelopment of Baimbridge College to ensure that those students are able to access the best possible educational opportunities in country Victoria.