Sport and Recreation | December 10, 2024

Balmoral Bowling Club secures funding for new green

The Nationals' Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has congratulated the Balmoral Bowling Club on receiving $220,000 in state government funding for a new synthetic bowling green following advocacy from the Nationals.

Ms Kealy said she had personally inspected the existing green, which was installed in 2010, and observed its rapid deterioration.

“This deterioration was jeopardising the club’s ability to continue to host pennant matches and tournaments, both of which attract local and interstate players, generating much-needed local business trade,” Ms Kealy said.

“I was proud to support the club’s application for funding for a new synthetic green through numerous representations to the Minister for Community Sport to allow the facility to be used year-round, while allowing elderly, disabled members, and guests with mobility issues access to the bowling green in a safe manner, reducing the risk of trips and falls.

“This new green will keep members and guest involved in the club longer, allowing them to continue accessing the important exercise and social benefits that bowls provides.”


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