Health | March 27, 2019
Bush Nursing Centres ignored by Labor
The Liberal Nationals have pressured the Andrews Labor Government into a review of the viability of Victoria’s Bush Nursing Centres.
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy said the review was the direct result of a petition tabled in the Upper House by The Nationals calling for the funding shortfall for Bush Nursing Centres across Victoria to be addressed. The petition contained over 400 signatures.
“The Nationals went to last year’s election with a clear policy of providing an immediate cash injection into Bush Nursing Centres and a review to ensure their future sustainability,” Ms Kealy said.
“This came after Bush Nursing Centres like Balmoral, Dartmoor, Elmhurst, Harrow, Lake Bolac and Woomelang raised concerns over their ongoing viability.
“Bush nursing centres provide invaluable support to regional and rural people and do a fabulous job ensuring they have access to vital health services in their own community.
“Unfortunately the Andrews Labor Government didn’t seem to understand the crucial role these centres play in our rural communities and it is disappointing that the Minister only committed to the review after being backed into a corner.
“We will work hard to ensure the review occurs but more immediately, I am calling on Labor to provide the cash injection needed to ensure these vital facilities short term viability.
“If Daniel Andrews and Labor truly care about the health of regional and rural Victorians they will immediately provide Bush Nursing Centres across Victoria with the funding they urgently need.”