Speeches Police | June 08, 2017
Constituency Questions - Prevention of Family Violence
Victorian Parliament - 8 June 2017 - Ms KEALY (Lowan) — (12 791) My question is for the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence. The information I seek is: where will the sole family violence support and safety hub be located in the Department of Health and Human Services western region? Almost one‑quarter of the state is represented by the western region of the Department of Health and Human Services, yet the government has only allocated one support and safety hub for the entire region. This provides inequitable access to this important resource. Police, counsellors, victims of family violence and concerned constituents have all raised concerns about having only one family violence support and safety hub in this enormous area. There has been no community consultation; there has been no consideration of the impact of travelling such large distances across this region, given we have some of the highest rates of family violence in the state. I therefore ask the minister: where will this one hub for a quarter of the state be located?