September 21, 2020
As you might be aware, regional Victoria has moved to step 3 on Victoria’s Roadmap to COVID Normal.
I am writing to provide a quick update on what this step means for our region.
There are expanded gathering limits, the reopening of some businesses, and no “stay at home” rules. 
Camping in regional Victoria can happen again, subject to gathering limits, and elective surgery has restarted.
Among some of the other key changes are that standalone primary schools will now be able to open in the first week of term 4, and that cross-border community members can now cross into South Australia for organised sport.
These new measures will help enormously, however there are still some vital activities that remain banned that I am working to have reinstated, including licence permit testing, swimming lessons and playgroups. I am also advocating for religious congregations to be determined by density rather than a set cap.

As always, please get in touch with me if I can help with anything. You can reach me by emailing [email protected] or by calling 5382 0097.

Take care, 


More information about restrictions is available here.


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