| February 25, 2019

Cricket Australia grants now open

Cricket clubs across Lowan looking to upgrade their infrastructure or purchase new equipment can apply to two streams of funding from Cricket Australia.

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy is encouraging local cricket clubs to submit an application to the Grassroots Cricket Fund and Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund, which is also open to councils.

“The Grassroots Cricket Fund is open to clubs situated only in regional and rural areas, with a focus on supporting those in drought-impacted areas, while the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF) is a larger stream for major projects,” Ms Kealy said.

The Grassroots Cricket Fund offers up to $2500 for equipment, while the ACIF offers three categories, with a 50 per cent contribution required:

  • Community Cricket Infrastructure – Minor: $1000 to $10,000;
  • Community Cricket Infrastructure – Major: $10,000 to $50,000; and
  • Strategic Infrastructure Grant: $50,000+.

“Clubs do a great job in raising funds to put back into their facilities through sponsorships, donations and raffles, but these two completely new grant streams could be game-changers and significantly benefit and support cricketers and volunteers in our region,” Ms Kealy said.

“I encourage all local cricket clubs to consider lodging an application.”

Both grant programs close on March 31.

Further information can be found at https://www.cricketvictoria.com.au/grants/



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