Police | February 09, 2018
Cross Border Commissioner to help tackle local crime
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP says a dedicated Cross Border Commissioner under an elected Liberal Nationals Government would have an important role to play in tackling cross border crime.
Ms Kealy has heard first-hand examples where cross border barriers have made it harder for police officers to share information and ultimately prosecute perpetrators.
A Horsham resident contacted Ms Kealy last year about his $65,000 boat that had been stolen from his holiday home in South Australia.
The owner was made aware of the theft by his truck driver mate who saw the boat being towed through Bacchus Marsh.
Once alerted to the situation, the gentleman immediately reported the theft to 000 and the Horsham and South Australia Police, however due to cross-border information sharing protocols it took a further 23 hours to get on the Victoria Police system.
The owner has advised Ms Kealy that subsequent police investigations show CCTV footage of the boat at a fuel station in Ballan, confirming without doubt the boat was brought across the border into Victoria.
He also believes Victoria Police know the perpetrator who is required to be extradited back to South Australia where the theft took place to be charged and this is proving a lengthy process.
“The boat owner believes the police in both Victoria and South Australia did an excellent job and want to work closely and share information with police from other States. But they are currently frustrated by cross-border issues which are making their job that much harder,” Ms Kealy said.
“This situation is an excellent example of where a Cross Border Commissioner could work with Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales Police to identify and solve these sorts of issues.
“The Cross Border Commission is another red tape busting policy from the Liberal Nationals that aims to reduce the challenges facing Victoria’s cross border communities and businesses,” she said.
The stolen boat has never been recovered.