Public Transport Roads Community facilities | February 20, 2018
Daniel Andrews short-changes regional Victoria $723 million
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP says the Premier for Melbourne, Daniel Andrews owes regional Victoria $723 million – and a massive apology.
When the Port of Melbourne (POM) lease deal was negotiated in 2016 Daniel Andrews promised to invest 10 per cent of the $9.7 billion proceeds in new transport infrastructure projects in regional Victoria.
But under questioning in a Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) hearing this week, Department of Treasury and Finance Secretary David Martine admitted the last budget acquittal for the POM lease proceeds was wrong – meaning Daniel Andrews has dudded Regional Victoria to the tune of $723 million.
“The Premier has been caught red-handed and must return the funds to regional infrastructure projects immediately,” Ms Kealy said.
“Daniel Andrews has lied to regional Victorians and has dudded us out of funding we were promised and deserve.
“It’s just another example of Daniel Andrews thinking Victoria stops at the end of Melbourne’s tram tracks,” she said.
“The Port was built off the back of country Victoria’s industries but now we know Daniel Andrews has not kept his word to spend at least $970 million of these lease proceeds on new transport infrastructure for our regional communities,” Ms Kealy said.
“This is another disgraceful show of contempt for country Victoria from Daniel Andrews and his Labor mates.
“It’s clear Daniel Andrews is the Premier for Melbourne only and couldn’t care less about regional Victoria”, she said.