Media Release | December 06, 2023

Delilah designs winning Christmas card for Emma Kealy MP

Artwork by Halls Gap Primary School grade six student Delilah Mirabito will feature on the cover of Member for Lowan and Deputy Leader of the Nationals Emma Kealy’s Christmas card this year.

Each year Ms Kealy invites students from schools across Lowan to design a card that reflects what they love best about their local area, with a touch of Christmas.

Hundreds of entries were received this year, with some of these proudly displayed in the window of Ms Kealy’s Horsham electorate office.

Ms Kealy visited Halls Gap Primary School yesterday to announce that she had chosen Delilah’s design as the cover for her 2023 Christmas card.

She said Delilah’s artwork encapsulated an iconic aspect of Lowan in a beautiful festive way.

“I was looking for a design that meaningfully represented our great part of the state and I was very impressed with the way Delilah captured the significance of the Grampians, and the clever way she added Christmas into her design,” Ms Kealy said.

“Our young students have incredible artistic talent and the designs they created were outstanding.

“The students took inspiration from a range of places and facets of life in our electorate, including our agriculture industry, our many lakes, rivers and other natural wonders such as our native flora and fauna, and iconic destinations such as the Giant Koala.

“Looking through the beautiful designs our local students create is a wonderful way to end the year, and I sincerely thank the students and schools for taking the time to design a Christmas card for me this year.”

Delilah received a special prize and a set of cards featuring her design, while several other students from schools across the region received honourable mentions and prizes.


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