| November 30, 2015

Eliza designs Christmas card for MP

Eliza Tickner from Horsham Primary School, 298 Campus has designed a winning Christmas card cover for local Member of Parliament, Emma Kealy.

Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy wrote to all schools in the electorate asking for students to design the cover of her 2015 Christmas card showing what students loved best about their local area, with a touch of Christmas added.

''I was extremely impressed with the response with 186 entries received from 10 schools,'' Ms Kealy said.
''Students drew their favourite places, events and sports. Some students even submitted photographs and other digital images. The entries were very creative,'' she said.

Students were also given the opportunity to explain their work in 25 words or less.

Year 5 student, Eliza Tickner described her winning entry with - My inspiration was a scene at my family’s farm, a blue-gum, the Grampians and a long paddock.

''I wanted something meaningful that represented our great part of the State and the students have given me that,'' Ms Kealy said.

''I am so proud of the great work by our local students and I will be displaying some of the impressive artwork in my office window.

''This is the first year I have run this competition and will definitely be something I would like to do again next year,'' Ms Kealy said. 

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