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Putting locals first is about standing up for local issues & working hard to get a fair share of funding for communities.
Growing up in Edenhope in a farming family, Emma knows the challenges and great opportunities of rural living.
Like many young people, Emma left the country to further her education, and attained a Degree in Biomedical Science at the University of South Australia. She is trained to think analytically and logically, to look at problems from different perspectives and search for an answer.
Emma has lived and worked in Hamilton, Melbourne and the Northern Territory, before making the decision to return to Edenhope to raise her family in a country environment.
Emma has worked at senior levels in the health sector including Western District Health Service in Hamilton, and relished her role as Chief Executive of the Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital where she was able to make a positive difference to the lives of people in the region.
Emma is involved in many community activities, including having served on the Edenhope College Council, delivery of an Anglicare program to support and connect young Mums in Edenhope, Relay for Life and helping out at the Lake Charlegrark Country Music Festival.
Behind the scenes, she has assisted many community groups with grant applications, planning and negotiating with Council and other stakeholders on their behalf.
Since becoming the Member for Lowan in November 2014 Emma has moved to Horsham and is passionate about standing up for local communities on issues that matter to them.
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