| August 24, 2015
Fire brigades benefit - Letter to the Editor
I congratulate our 10 local CFA groups from across the Lowan electorate that will receive funding from this year’s Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program. This funding would assist emergency service agencies with the purchase of operational equipment and with facility upgrades.
Local emergency service volunteers make a significant contribution to supporting and protecting our communities and it’s important they are supported with the equipment they need to meet the challenges they face. I again congratulate the successful applicants and encourage other volunteer emergency service groups to look at what projects they might need and consider applying for a future grant. Successful local brigades included:
- Balmoral – amenities improvements
- Casterton – purchase of equipment
- Cavendish – amenities improvements
- Dibgy – ultra light tanker
- Dimboola – purchase of equipment
- Dunmunkle – car
- Jilpanger – car
- Jung – ultra light tanker
- Laharum – Minor works
- Maroona – purchase of equipment
Our country communities are built on the backs of our volunteers and I take this opportunity to thank our tireless community volunteers, particularly members of our local fire brigades who give their own time and expertise to keep our communities safe.