Health Grants and awards | March 07, 2016
Funding for those with high care needs
A funding stream will open soon to help young people with high care needs return to their homes.
Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP said Youngcare would open its Home Soon Grants on 4 July this year, with between $5,000 and $20,000 (and up to $50,000 in exceptional circumstances) available to assist a young person transition from aged care back to their community.
Ms Kealy said Youngcare was a national charity inspired by a future where no young Australian has to call aged care ‘home’. Youngcare works to achieve this through the Home Soon Grants and At Home Care grant programs, accommodation solutions, Youngcare Connect support line and research projects.
“Almost $652,000 was awarded to 118 families in 2014/15 across Victoria, New South Wales, the ACT and Tasmania through Home Soon Grants pilot and At Home Care grant programs,” she said.
Local residents can also apply for the At Home Care grants, which offer up to $10,000 for equipment, home modifications and respite to assist young people with high care needs aged between 18 and 65 to remain in their own home for as long as possible, before they close next Wednesday, 16 March.
“If anyone wants to apply for the grants or discuss them further, they can contact the Youngcare Connect team by calling (07) 3041 3400,” Ms Kealy said.