Health | March 27, 2017
Funding for West Wimmera Health Service
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP congratulates the West Wimmera Health Service and the local community who has secured a $748,000 funding boost.
“I have previously spoken in parliament and raised concerns regarding the need for health infrastructure funding across the Lowan Electorate,” Ms Kealy said.
The State Government will provide the $748,000 through the first round of the $200 million Regional Health Infrastructure Fund.
Nhill Campus will receive $352,560 to replace their existing air conditioning system, while a further $396,003 has been approved to upgrade the fire detection systems at the Nhill, Natimuk, Rainbow and Jeparit campuses.
“Our country region needs and deserves our fair share of Hospital capital funding and this is great news of our local area” Ms Kealy said.
“We all deserve quality health services, whether we live in the city or the country, and it is important country communities are provided with first-class facilities.
“We have fantastic local clinical staff who deserve to be provided with quality facilities to support them in delivering the best possible standard of care to our people,” she said.