Police | March 24, 2017
Funding needed for police station upgrades
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is again calling on the Andrew’s Labor Government to provide funding for local police station upgrades.
“The Horsham, Hamilton and Coleraine police stations need their outdated facilities urgently replaced or upgraded and I call on the Labor Government to release vital funds”, Ms Kealy said.
“The outdated and undersized Horsham Police Station, including the court house precinct requires funding for the development of a Master Plan,” Ms Kealy said.
“The Hamilton police station is in dire need of renovation, with the current building significantly restricting the ability of police to manage interactions with the community. The Hamilton holding cells are in an unacceptable condition to hold suspects under arrest for more than a few hours.
“The Coleraine police station is past its use by date and needs replacing to meet service demands and security requirements of a modern station,” she said.
Last year, Emma Kealy MP called on the State Government to detail their plans to redevelop police stations across the Lowan electorate with Murtoa and Warracknabeal successful in receiving funds to build new stations.
“Our hardworking police officers do an outstanding job with extremely limited resources and are doing their utmost to protect our people, uphold the law and ensure safe communities,” Ms Kealy said.
“It is essential the Labor Government provides suitable premises to give our police the best possible opportunity to tackle the climbing crime rate in regional Victoria.
“Regional Victoria faces a greater challenge to recruit and retain police. Therefore, it is essential that our country stations and officers be provided with quality facilities,” she said.