Community facilities | December 14, 2015
Future of Regional Living Expo unknown
The Andrews Labor Government has again shown its contempt for regional Victoria this week, by refusing to commit to continuing the successful Regional Living Expo.
Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy said when asked in Parliament, Jaala Pulford refused to say whether the Expo would be held next year – leaving local councils in limbo.
“The Regional Living Expo has been a fantastic opportunity to introduce people from Melbourne, regional Victoria and other parts of the country to our great part of the state.
"At previous expo’s we have been able to highlight our affordable housing prices, business openings and employment opportunities.
“The Regional Living Expo has been a successful strategy to drive population and investment to regional and rural Victoria,” she said.
The Minister’s own agency, Regional Development Victoria, hailed the Expo as “a success, attracting a record 10,156 patrons” in its latest annual report.
“This is sadly just another example of how city-centric this Andrews Labor Government is,” Ms Kealy said.
“The Regional Expo has been a fantastic way to showcase our local region to people living in Melbourne, and to attract more people to live and work here.
“The Andrews Labor Government did not fund the Expo in this year’s budget and instead launched a review – one of around 100 reviews it has initiated in 12 months.
“Since then, despite repeated questioning by the Coalition, we are still in the dark.
“Jaala Pulford must end months of uncertainty and tell us once and for all whether she will axe the Expo,” She said.