Grants and awards | May 24, 2019

Grants available to help local organisations transition to NDIS

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy is encouraging eligible local organisations to apply for a share of $1.3 million in funding currently available under the Victorian Regional Readiness Fund.

Grants of up to $130,000 are available to organisations to help regional and rural communities develop local solutions to workforce issues and better support the choices of people with a disability on the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Not-for-profit services, community groups, businesses, higher education and training institutions and local government are eligible to apply.

The funding will help address the particular challenges faced by rural and regional Victoria in transitioning to the NDIS.

“These grants are designed to help our local disability service providers transition to the NDIS,” Ms Kealy said.

“Each regional and rural community faces its own specific challenges which may include recruiting appropriately qualified and trained staff, managing services across small populations and wide geographic areas and access to professional development opportunities.

“Each area is unique and this funding will allow local communities to drive their own innovative and place-based responses to workforce and service system challenges and opportunities they may see on the ground.

“I encourage all eligible organisations to consider applying.”

For more information or to lodge an application visit

Applications close 5pm on Wednesday, 12 June 2019.

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