Community facilities Volunteers | March 07, 2019

Heart-warming support for The Nappy Collective

The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP and Candidate for Mallee Dr Anne Webster visited the Horsham Christian Emergency Food Centre to deliver over 1,000 donated nappies.

Ms Kealy has nominated her office as a drop off point for The Nappy Collective project for the past two years, collecting leftover unused disposable nappies for redistribution to local organisations that support families in crisis or in need.

“I have been amazed by local generosity and support shown for The Nappy Collective Project,” Ms Kealy said.

“A group of students from Ss Michael and John’s Primary School who are part of a Mini Vinnies group ran a fundraiser at their school and used the money raised to buy new nappies to donate.

“This fabulous group of Mini Vinnies made their special delivery of 600 new nappies to personally show their support for The Nappy Collective Project and young families in need.

“Our region is filled with people who are kind, thoughtful and generous. It is heart-warming to know the next generation will continue to care for the community and support one another when we need it most.

“I am proud that over 2,000 unused nappies have been collected through my office over the past two years and are being distributed locally by the Christian Emergency Food Centre to support victims of domestic violence and young families in need.”

The initiative runs twice a year in May and October with 410 official drop points in 64 towns and cities across Australia. Over 2,460,780 nappies have been donated since the project commenced in 2013.

“Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to drop nappies into my office and I encourage all local residents to consider getting involved when the project runs again in May 2019,” she said.

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