Roads | March 01, 2017
Kealy – Bypass options need fair evaluation
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP has again called for the Andrews Labor Government to direct VicRoads to conduct a fair evaluation of alternative Horsham bypass routes prior to approval of Option D.
“I recently met with Hon. Richard Wynne, Minister for Planning to discuss community concerns raised with me about the fact that VicRoads have never fully investigated alternate routes to Horsham bypass Option D,” Ms Kealy said.
Initially there were five options on the table. Three options were ruled out in 2015 when the Andrews Labor Government approved VicRoads to continue assessment of two alignment options; B2 through Riverside and D to the north-east of the city. However, VicRoads announced their preferred option was D without undertaking a comparative evaluation of Option B2.
"While some locals are frustrated at the amount of time that it has taken to agree on a route, the fact remains that no route aside from Option D has been fully evaluated,” Ms Kealy said.
"Full project costs, total bypass length, future aerodrome growth, environmental impacts and the potential effect to the community by placing major infrastructure in the heart of Horsham's primary floodplain have never been fairly considered for alternative routes.
“The Horsham Bypass is a major infrastructure project for our region and the potential impact on flooding and future growth of the aerodrome could be devastating for future generations,” Ms Kealy said.
Prior to the 2014 election the Nationals made an election commitment for VicRoads to undertake in depth assessment of Option B2 and 5A.
“We will only get one chance to get the bypass route right. Therefore, it seems fair and right that a full evaluation of at least one alternate route to Option D is fully investigated by VicRoads so the Minister and local people can have 100% confidence the right decision is made for the future of the city", she said.