Roads | June 02, 2016
Kealy calls for Polkemmet Road funding
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP is calling for urgent funding to upgrade Polkemmet Road at Vectis in fear that Labor will impose its permanent speed limit reduction strategy.
Earlier this month the Melbourne Labor Government announced through their ‘Towards Zero’ strategy that their answer to deteriorating road conditions is to permanently reduce speed limits.
“I raised concerns regarding Polkemmet Road directly with the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Hon. Darren Chester MP when he was in Horsham recently,” Ms Kealy said.
“I’m calling for urgent funding specifically to improve the condition of Polkemmet Road near Horsham as this road is an example of where Labor will apply their new ‘Towards Zero funding for country Victoria’ strategy to cover up their savage cuts to the country roads budget.
“It is outrageous that Labor now intends to permanently reduce speed limits on country roads instead of provided vital funding to maintain and repair dangerous sections.
Over the past five years there have been two fatalities on the 2.3 kilometre stretch of Polkemmet Road near Vectis.
“What the Melbourne Labor Government doesn’t understand is that our country roads are what we use to transport and provide produce from our paddocks to their dinner plates,” Ms Kealy said.
“Labor has been bragging about improved Melbourne roads to reduce travel time to and from work, so that city people can spend more valuable time with family. Clearly Labor doesn’t care about providing this same benefit to country people.
“Labor has cut 10% to funding for country roads since the National-Liberal Coalition were in government in 2014. We need more money invested in country roads to keep them at a safe standard, not less.
“The Andrew’s Labor Government is also skiting about a $2.9 billion surplus, yet they have continued to impose harsh funding cuts to country roads. This clearly demonstrates the further you live from Melbourne, the less Labor care.
Emma Kealy MP has continued her campaign to improve the condition of our country roads. Since the launch of her campaign last year she has written to the Premier and Minister for Roads on countless occasions, lodged a petition, spoken in Parliament and has called on locals to report hazards directly to VicRoads.
“Nobody would disagree that we need to reduce the State’s road toll. However, if Labor is serious about saving country lives, then they must immediately reverse their drastic cuts to the country roads budget and give our people the roads they deserve.
“I assure the Lowan electorate that I will continue to lobby this city centric State Government so that country people receive their fair share of roads funding,” she said.