Education | April 20, 2018
Kealy congratulates local schools
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP has congratulated five local schools for their strong advocacy to secure $3.57 million to upgrade and modernise their facilities.
“Congratulations to the following schools and the wider school communities for their amazing efforts in lobbying to secure this funding which will support the needs of our local students,” Ms Kealy said.
- Casterton Primary School - $300,000
- Dimboola Memorial Secondary - $600,000
- George Street Primary School Hamilton - $200,000
- Kaniva College - $2.3 million
- Merino Consolidated School - $170,000
Ms Kealy has been a strong advocate for funding to improve local school facilities across the Lowan electorate.
“We know we need to invest in local country schools and I am sure students and staff are looking forward to enjoying improved facilities after they have sadly been left to rot over the last few years by the Andrews Labor Government,” Ms Kealy said.
“While this funding is wonderful news for these five schools; unfortunately there appears to be no funding for the other 37 Government schools in our electorate who also desperately need refurbishment works.
“The Liberal Nationals believe education is the key to hope and opportunity and if we are going to give our children the best opportunities in life, it starts with a good education.
“This means getting back to the basics in a safe environment and preparing our kids for a journey of lifelong learning and the job opportunities that brings.
“All young people deserve quality learning environments, whether they live in the city or the country, and it is important our students and teachers are supported with first-class facilities,” she said.