Emergency Services | November 22, 2017
Kealy – Disrespect for CFA volunteers continues
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP has condemned Daniel Andrews for his latest attempt to silence CFA Volunteers through cuts to funding for FIRE WISE, an important communication tool for volunteers.
The 50-year-old publication is used by the Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, CFA Chief Officer, EMV Commissioner Craig Lapsley and local volunteers to communicate messages on current issues including service delivery, volunteer awards and upcoming fire services events.
Just this week FIRE WISE was reporting on the need for a Royal Commission into Victoria’s fire services as committed to by the Liberal Nationals.
“Daniel Andrews has hit a new low in his war against volunteers by trying to silence them though taking away a major communication tool”, Ms Kealy said.
“A Liberal Nationals Government will ensure funding is reinstated to ensure all fire fighters including volunteers continue to have a voice on their fire services.
“This latest funding cut is just further proof of Daniel Andrews disrespect for volunteers as he works to destroy the CFA”, she said.