Health | October 24, 2018
Kealy encourages local women to get a breast screen - 2018
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is pleased with the number of local women who are having regular breast screens but would like to see the figure improve even further.
Figures released by BreastScreen Victoria show that 60% of women in the Lowan electorate aged 50-74 were screened in 2015-2017, above the state average of 54% but below the 70% target set by BreastScreen Victoria.
Regular breast screens are an essential component of women’s well-being and Ms Kealy is encouraging more women over the age of 50 to take advantage of BreastScreen Victoria’s free program. A breast screen takes just 10 minutes and is with a woman.
Seventy-five per cent of women diagnosed are over the age of 50 with the vast majority having no family history of the disease.
“Early detection gives women the best chance of successful treatment and recovery, which is why I am a strong supporter of the work undertaken by BreastScreen Victoria”, Ms Kealy said.
“Women in their 40s are also encouraged to talk to their doctor about whether breast screening should be a priority for them. A regular breast screen every two years is the best way to find cancer early,” she said.
Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis. Early detection is crucial.
“It is important for all women to know the normal look and feel of their breasts. If you notice any breast changes, nipple discharge or a lump, it is important that you visit your doctor as soon as possible and before making an appointment at BreastScreen Victoria”, Ms Kealy said.
“I’m calling on the 2,718 local women between 50-74 years who did not have a breast screen during 2015-2017 to prioritise a free breast screen every two years”, she said.
For more information or to book an appointment call 13 20 50 or visit