Grants and awards | November 01, 2017
Kealy – Grants for Victorian Youth Week events
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is encouraging local government, community organisations and schools to apply for funding to develop and deliver events and activities during Victorian Youth Week 2018.
Victorian Youth Week is a week-long celebration of the contribution young people between the ages of 12-25 years make to our communities.
The event will run from Friday 13 April to Sunday 22 April 2018.
“Grants of up to $2,000 are available for local government, community organisations and schools to support events planned and delivered by young people for young people during the week”, Ms Kealy said.
“There are many amazing young people who achieve great things across the Lowan electorate every day,” Ms Kealy said.
“Victorian Youth Week recognises the contribution our young people make and gives them the opportunity to organise events to celebrate with their peers and take pride in their achievements.
“It is a great way for them to take part in events they may not usually get the opportunity to participate in and to meet new people with similar interests and hobbies.
“I encourage all organisations working with young people across the electorate to apply for a 2018 Victorian Youth Week grant.
“It would be fantastic to see every town in the electorate doing something to celebrate our young people,” she said.
Applications close on Friday, 24 November 2017.
For further information on Victorian Youth Week 2018 visit