Agriculture | February 25, 2019

Kealy launches petition to protect local farmers

The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has launched a petition to defend the rights of Victorian farmers against unlawful animal rights activists.

The petition supports a motion introduced to Parliament by The Nationals to ensure activists feel the full force of the law.

The action follows a large number of Victorian farmers and their families being left exposed by a mass publication online of personal addresses by activist group Aussie Farms.

“Local farmers and their families need our support and protection from unlawful extreme animal rights activists,” Ms Kealy said.

“Our Lowan farmers work hard and operate responsible and sustainable businesses. They deserve to be able to operate their farms without fear for their own safety or that of their family, employees and livestock.

“The State Government has failed to support calls for Aussie Farms to be stripped of its charity tax after their mass privacy breach.

“Militant activism that includes trespass on Victorian farms, livestock theft and property damage isn’t charity work – its breaking the law.

“The State Government must act immediately to protect law-abiding farmers and ensure extreme animal activists who are threatening local farmers, their families and putting stock welfare at risk feel the full force of the law.

“I urge members of the community to visit my website and sign the Protect Australian Farmers petition or download a PDF copy and circulate it amongst your networks.

“The more signatures we can collect the harder it will be for the Andrews Labor Government to continue to ignore local farmers who are deeply concerned for the safety of their families and welfare of their stock,” she said.

Hard copies are also available from Ms Kealy’s office at 114 Firebrace Street Horsham, by telephoning 5382 0097 or by visiting The Nationals stand at the Wimmera Machinery Field Days.

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