Community facilities | February 21, 2018
Kealy - Neighbourhood Houses Call for Support
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP has delivered almost three hundred postcards signed by local residents in support of regional Neighbourhood Houses to the Parliament of Victoria.
The postcards are part of a campaign by Neighbourhood Houses Victoria to have the Melbourne Labor Government deliver on its 2014 election commitment to provide increased funding support to Neighbourhood Houses.
“Our Neighbourhood Houses offer fantastic services across the Lowan electorate including adult education, social support and act as agencies for some government departments,” Ms Kealy said.
“They do a great job in responding to local community needs, often in trying circumstances and with a very limited budget.
“Before the last election Daniel Andrews promised to increase funding to Neighbourhood Houses but after three years no money has eventuated and staff, volunteers and visitors to local Neighbourhood Houses are realising they have been duped by Melbourne Labor.
“This is yet another example of Daniel Andrews ignoring country Victoria.
“He has abandoned many vulnerable rural people and turned his back on the great work that Neighbourhood and Community Houses deliver into country communities,” she said.