Roads | February 19, 2016

Kealy - Road repairs not good enough

Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP continues her ‘Call to Action’ campaign to improve our local roads after an increase in complaints regarding poor quality road repairs across the region.

“I have received an increasing number of complaints about patchy road repair works using ‘hot mix’ which are breaking, in some examples within a week of the works,” Ms Kealy said.

“These patchy road repairs are often leaving roads in a much worse and more dangerous condition than before. These band aid fixes are a significant waste of Government funds,” she said.

Emma Kealy MP is continuing her call for locals to report road hazards directly to VicRoads which will give them evidence to demand additional State funding to better manage and maintain our roads.

“I am now hearing that local people are reluctant to contact VicRoads as it results in either a decrease in speed limits or poor quality repair works that lead to even greater road hazards. This is in no way acceptable for the safety of our local road users,” Ms Kealy said.

“I have again written to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, the Hon. Luke Donnellan to raise our local concerns regarding the poor quality of road repair works.

“I continue to urge everyone to report road hazards directly to VicRoads by phoning 13 11 70 or visit my website,” she said.

Emma Kealy MP has provided countless examples to the State Labor Government for the urgent need to fund and improve the atrocious condition of roads across Western Victoria.

“The Melbourne Andrews Labor Government has continued to ignore country communities. They must understand how important roads are in regional Victoria, and it is disappointing that the dire need for funding continues to be ignored,” Ms Kealy said.

“We need more money invested in country roads, not less. However, the State budget confirmed that Labor have cut 17 per cent from the road asset management budget and have scrapped the Coalition’s $160 million Country Roads and Bridges program,” she said.

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