Health | April 16, 2019
Kealy – Royal Commission provides real opportunity to have your voice heard
The Nationals Member for Lowan and Shadow Minister for Mental Health Emma Kealy has encouraged local people to have their say on Victoria’s Mental Health System during the Royal Commission’s community consultation phase.
Community consultations have commenced across Victoria and will continue into May.
“Victoria’s mental health system is in crisis and needs urgent attention,” Ms Kealy said.
“I’m regularly contacted by people who have tried to take their concerns about the system to the Andrews Government, only to feel let down when their story falls on deaf ears.
“The Royal Commission is an opportunity to highlight areas for improvement, to look at ways to boost early intervention and for people with a mental illness and their carers to tell their story and have a role in shaping a better mental health system in our state.
“I strongly encourage all Victorians to have their voices heard about this critical issue.”
Ms Kealy added there were some issues currently plaguing the system that could be fixed before the Royal Commission concluded.
“The Royal Commission is strongly supported by the Liberal Nationals, but it’s not the only option to drive change,” Ms Kealy said.
“As the Auditor General confirmed last month, there are steps Daniel Andrews can take now to better support Victoria’s most vulnerable and fix this broken system.
“This includes a commitment to provide a significant funding boost to expand mental health access in next month’s budget, which would immediately save lives.”
More information about how to participate in the Royal Commission and upcoming community consultations is available at