Community facilities | September 18, 2015
Kealy turns first sod for new Pomonal community hall
Emma Kealy, Nationals Member for Lowan has today ‘turned the first sod’ to commence works for the new Pomonal Hall Precinct Development project.
“The previous Coalition Government invested $485,000 towards the $985,000 Pomonal Hall Precinct Development through the Coalitions $1 billion Regional Growth Fund which has since been scrapped by the Labor Government,” Emma Kealy said.
The Ararat Rural City Council funded $400,000 toward the project, and the community of Pomonal raised $100,000 towards the new hall.
“I’m proud to support the Pomonal community who raised significant funds themselves toward this project and to be able to attend the ‘turning of the first sod’ today,” said Emma Kealy.
“For a community of this size to raise $100,000 towards a new hall shows the strength of the Pomonal community and is a significant achievement that should be recognised,” she said.
Commencing Monday, works will involve demolition of the existing Pomonal Hall and recreation reserve building, to be replaced by a new multi-use community facility within the Pomonal community precinct.
The new 210 square metre hall would include a stage, a viewing deck overlooking the neighbouring reserve, male and female toilets and change facilities, a separate meeting room, a large kitchen and lobby, and storage areas.
“In small communities such as this, the local hall is the hub for a wide variety of events, activities and celebrations,” said Emma Kealy.
“The Pomonal Hall has been used by local sporting clubs, CFA and community groups, including events for the Pomonal Primary School, Pomonal Community Uniting Church, as well as the Australian Plant Society and Ararat Rural City Council.
“It also hosts local health and fitness programs, neighbourhood safety meetings and is used as a local emergency staging area.
“While the much-loved and well-used hall has seen its day, the new hall will become equally as loved and will be home to many more local celebrations into the future.”
“Thanks to the Coalition Government’s investment, the new multi-purpose facility will be far more accessible, spacious and versatile, ensuring the wide range of user groups and activities are well supported.” She said.