Education | May 15, 2023
Labor ignores community calls for flashing lights at Rainbow P-12
Deputy Leader of The Nationals and Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has slammed a decision by the Minister for Roads and Road Safety to ignore community calls for flashing 40km/h lights to be installed in Taverner Street, Rainbow.
Ms Kealy approached the Minister with the request after being contacted by the Rainbow P-12 School Council and concerned community members who believe the installation of electronic speed signs at the existing 40km/h school zone would assist in alerting road users to the reduced speed limit.
“Both the Rainbow P-12 school and Rainbow Community Kindergarten are situated on this busy road,” Ms Kealy said.
“Local residents advise me that there has been a significant increase in the number of B-double traffic using the road carting gypsum, gravel and grain, with many ignoring the existing 40km/h school zone warnings.
“As school buses also enter and exit the school from this road, the situation is becoming increasingly dangerous and creating a major safety risk for students and their families, particularly at drop off and pick up times.
“The installation of electronic speed signs at the existing crossing is an inexpensive solution that would dramatically improve safety for local school children and pedestrians by reminding drivers to slow down and obey the 40km/h speed limit during school hours.
“Together with concerned local community members, I will keep fighting until the Minister reverses her decision and provides the funding necessary to have flashing lights installed at this busy school crossing to ensure the safety of our local students and their families.”