Sport and Recreation | March 20, 2018
Labor missing the mark on local sport
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP says country sport is missing out under the city-centric Andrews Labor Government.
“It is extremely concerning that Daniel Andrews wants to hand over millions of dollars of taxpayer money to the AFL to redevelop the already world class Etihad Stadium while many of our country sporting clubs sell savs and buckets of chips on Saturdays to survive,” Ms Kealy said.
“The AFL is a huge corporation who has the benefit of not paying any tax so it should be able to maintain Etihad Stadium without taxpayer support.
“Grassroots football, netball, cricket, basketball and soccer clubs right across western Victoria are critical to the social fabric of our rural communities and are crying out for state government support to help with the upgrade of local facilities.
“But Daniel Andrews, the Premier for Melbourne, thinks the AFL deserves this money over grassroots country projects such as upgrades to Nhill’s Davis Park Clubrooms and a new community complex in Balmoral to replace the current white ant ridden and outdated facility.
“Victorian taxpayer dollars should not be directed to Etihad Stadium while our local sporting clubs struggle to survive.
“There will be no free kick for the AFL under The Nationals.
“If elected in November, The Nationals will redirect the funds Daniel Andrews is proposing to spend on Etihad Stadium and use them to support our grassroots sporting clubs, benefiting hundreds of thousands of Victorians.
“The needs of our local sporting clubs and local kids will always come first when The Nationals are in government,” she said.