Roads | December 21, 2016
Labor re-announces existing Western Hwy funding
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP says the Andrew’s Labor Government has re-announced roads funding in a bid to cover up their failure to prioritise the next stage of the Western Highway duplication project to Stawell.
“The announcement this week of $60 Million for the Western Highway duplication project is a re-announcement stunt by the Andrews' Labor Government who is scrambling to appear to be funding new roads when in fact they have slashed the VicRoads budget,” Ms Kealy said.
“The Nationals Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Hon. Darren Chester announced the $60 Million funding for the Western Highway just five weeks ago.
“Instead of re-announcing roads funding, the Andrew’s Labor Government should be announcing new funding for the next stage of the Western Highway duplication project through to Stawell,” she said.
The current funding gap needed from the State Labor Government is approximately $320 million.
The Western Highway is the busiest single-lane highway in Victoria and the principal interstate route between Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. More than 5,500 vehicles, including 1,500 trucks, use the road every day.
“The Western Highway is a key freight route supporting our local primary production industries,” Ms Kealy said.
“Duplication of the Western Highway is only one part of a much bigger plan that is needed to improve the appalling condition of roads in western Victoria and to return them to a safe standard.
“The 50-year lease of the Port of Melbourne secured $9.7 billion for Victoria. Thanks to The Nationals, we secured $970 million to spend on regional transport infrastructure.
“The Melbourne Labor Government has no excuse not to fix our crumbling country roads.
“Labor’s exiting funding re-announcement and their failure to commit to the continuation of the Western Highway duplication project is just another example of this city-centric Government's neglect of roads in western Victoria,” she said.