Police | August 26, 2016
Letter to the Editor - No Body, No Parole
Earlier this year, the Victorian National-Liberal Coalition introduced to Parliament new laws to stop convicted killers from being released on parole if they refuse to assist in revealing the location or last known location, of the body of a victim.
Daniel Andrews’ decision to reject and vote against the Nationals Liberal ‘no body, no parole’ legislation is more proof that he is a soft touch when it comes to law and order.
Victorians are currently caught up in the State’s worst ever crime wave and Daniel Andrews responds by supporting convicted murderers applying for parole rather than victim's loved ones. It’s no wonder violent criminals are running rampant in Victoria.
There is possibly nothing more traumatic than losing a loved one to murder and not having their body to lay to rest.
Convicted killers who refuse to disclose where the body of their victim is do not deserve to be considered for parole.
A convicted killer can’t claim to be rehabilitated and remorseful if they fail this most basic test of human decency.
This policy is a no-brainer and it is a disgrace that Daniel Andrews, together with Labor and Greens MPs, voted against it.
Emma Kealy MP
Member for Lowan