Community facilities | May 24, 2018
Liberal Nationals to help Councils ease planning bottlenecks
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy MP says an elected Liberal Nationals Government will restore the Council Planning Flying Squad program to ease pressure on Victoria’s rural and regional councils.
“Councils in rural and regional Victoria are under increased pressure from rates capping, rising costs and skills shortages and often do not have the resources and expertise to manage complex issues when processing applications, preparing reports and in planning enforcement”, Ms Kealy said.
“This $4.5 million program will assist councils to clear a backlog of planning applications by providing additional short-term expert planning resources and filling knowledge gaps in areas such as fire, flood and biodiversity conservation.
“At the same time the program will up-skill local council employees, providing them with the knowledge to better support future growth in their local communities.
“Better planning means our local councils can make the most of new investment opportunities and are best placed to help our existing businesses grow.
“Daniel Andrews decision to axe this successful program in 2015 was short-sighted and just another example of the Andrews Labor Government’s inability to see past Melbourne’s tram tracks.
“The Liberal Nationals have a decentralisation vision to turn Victoria into a state of cities, not just a city state, and this is underpinned by better planning.
“The Planning Flying Squads will help local councils remove the planning bottlenecks that are holding up investment and jobs in regional Victoria.
“If we can help regional and rural councils support and create business and investment opportunities, then we are also making regional Victoria a more attractive place to live and work”, she said.