Grants and awards | May 03, 2021
Local Ag shows win funding
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy has congratulated a number of local show societies on their successful grant applications to the Agricultural and Pastoral Society Grants 2020-21 program.
Ms Kealy said each of the grants, which are able to fund up to 90 per cent of the total project cost, would be used by the following show societies to upgrade existing facilities at their showgrounds:
- Charlton A & P Society - $7,146 to upgrade viewing stands
- Coleraine A & P Society - $8,887 to upgrade the luncheon hall
- Donald P & A Society - $10,000 for the provision of a lighting and power upgrade
- Horsham Agricultural Society Inc - $9,270 to upgrade the fleece pavilion
- Natimuk A & P Society - $10,000 to install new fencing around the arena
- Warracknabeal A & P Society - $810 to upgrade flowing in the poultry pavilion.
“This funding will help our hard-working agricultural societies convert their fabulous ideas into reality,” Ms Kealy said.
“Rural show days provide a boost to local economies and an opportunity for people to come together, while at the same time showcasing the areas agriculture to both locals and visitors alike.
“We all know how important our agricultural shows are to our rural communities and this funding will help increase the vibrancy and prosperity of our local shows and country towns.
“I congratulate and offer my full support to these fantastic local agricultural societies for initiatives and ongoing efforts to achieve this.”