Emergency Services | August 16, 2016
Local brigades receive equipment grants
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP has congratulated local brigades who have received a funding boost ahead of the next fire season, under the Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP).
“I congratulate 11 of our local CFA brigades who successfully applied to receive this funding,” Ms Kealy said.
“Volunteers do a huge amount of fundraising in order to apply for matching funding from the Victorian Government and any extra support they receive goes a long way,” she said.
Successful Brigades and groups to receive VESEP funding include:
“Despite this good news, Daniel Andrew's CFA crisis is still far from over,” Ms Kealy said.
“Our CFA volunteers are indispensable to the safety of our local communities.
“The disdain this Melbourne focused government has shown for CFA volunteers can’t be reversed by a few equipment grants.
“Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV), the representative for volunteers in the CFA dispute, expressed concerns at a parliamentary inquiry into fire season preparedness just last week that negotiations had ‘diminished’ Victoria’s fire system preparedness and response capability.
“Daniel Andrews claims he has ‘fixed’ the CFA dispute, but in reality all he has done is create uncertainty and tension within Victoria’s fire services in the lead-up to fire season.
“The Premier’s willingness to trample on Victoria’s CFA volunteers and risk the safety of our country communities to pay back the United Firefighters Union is difficult to comprehend.
“Daniel Andrews must fix the mess he has created before we get to the next fire season.
“I urge anyone who supports the invaluable work of the CFA to sign a petition through my website www.emmakealy.com or phone my office on 5382 0097 and a hardcopy can be posted out,” she said.