Health | September 08, 2020

Lowan residents at breaking point

The Nationals’ Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy has been overwhelmed with people at breaking point over Daniel Andrews ongoing roadblock lockdowns and is demanding a localised approach to restrictions.

Ms Kealy said the mental, physical, social and economic harm caused by lockdown was immense and does not appear to have been considered at all by the Premier.

“If Dan Andrews was serious about “not extending lockdowns a day longer than necessary”, then he must immediately change his concept that everywhere outside of Melbourne should be thrown in the same basket,” Ms Kealy said.

“Cases in Mallacoota, Wodonga or even Geelong have no relevance to the risk of cases hundreds of kilometres away in our corner of the state.

“By all means, keep the strong travel restrictions in place until Melbourne gets itself under control, I strongly support that, but we need to allow Lowan residents to support Lowan businesses as we were successfully doing six weeks ago.

“I was expecting this to be announced on Sunday and am very disappointed we find ourselves with a very low number of active cases, but still no clear way out.

“If you look at the thresholds the Government has set, much of country Victoria meets them, but we face the prospect of ongoing lockdowns due to outbreaks in places on the other side of the state.

“Over recent weeks I’ve been dealing with many business people who are just hanging on and looking for a way out. Some have already closed, but others are teetering and need to trade.

“I fully support the position taken by the COVID Doctors Network, esteemed Victorian medical professionals that are seeing first hand the harm caused by lockdowns.

“I quote from their open letter, “The medical, psychological and social costs of the lockdown are disproportionately enormous compared to the limited good being done by current policies and are relevant factors to be taken into account by any responsible government”.

“It is disastrous for our people, and plain lazy modelling which has been focused on Melbourne from the start.

“The Premier forgetting his notes on the rules for regional Victoria was the final straw for many.”

Ms Kealy is urging everyone to send a message to the Premier at

“He needs to hear the strong voice of rural Victoria,” Ms Kealy said.

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