small business | September 04, 2020
Lowan residents need to be able to support local businesses
With changes to Coronavirus restrictions to be announced this weekend for implementation on Sunday, 13 September the Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy is seeking an outcome that will allow Lowan residents to support local businesses.
“Dependent on what happens in Melbourne between now and then, if travel restrictions to rural areas need to be kept in place, so be it, but it is critical we allow our local businesses - including restaurants, cafes and pubs - to again open for local patrons as they did in stage two last time,” Ms Kealy said.
“While many have been able to get by until now by operating with altered business plans, including expanded take away menus and home deliveries, they cannot survive forever with this model.
“I have been contacted by a range of business people over recent weeks, stating that if they cannot open their doors to sit down patrons on September 13, they will likely have to close.
“The reality is some businesses already have closed and will not re-open, so we simply have to stop the damage.
“It is about a common-sense balance. While we need to get local businesses opening their doors again, we cannot take unnecessary health risks. One does not have to be exclusive to the other, it can be achieved with careful consideration and planning and co-operative communities.
“Under stage two last time, we had up to 20 people visiting cafes and restaurants and this was being done without any detrimental impact as local business people and patrons adhered to the rules.
“As a minimum we need something similar in place as a first step on September 13 in rural areas.
“The situation in Melbourne is trending well at present, but should there be a relapse, by all means maintain or strengthen restrictions where required around travel and the like.
“But it is absolutely crucial we are able to start allowing locals to support our local businesses that are hurting so much.”