Environment and Water | March 26, 2019
MacKenzie Falls redevelopment plans fall over
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy is alarmed that plans to expand the MacKenzie Falls carpark and redevelop the adjacent visitor area following the devastating 2014 fires in the Grampians Nationals Park have been scrapped by the Andrews Labor Government.
Ms Kealy made the comments after receiving a letter from the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change indicating that plans to upgrade the carpark and adjacent visitor area were now on hold.
Ms Kealy had previously written to the Minister seeking confirmation that funding allocated to Parks Victoria to undertake these works would be used for this purpose and advice on when the works would commence.
“The Minister acknowledges Labor’s commitment to improve the MacKenzie Falls Precinct in her letter and confirms that Parks Victoria has developed detailed designs for improvements to the carpark and adjacent visitor area,” Ms Kealy said.
“It was therefore extremely concerning to read that Parks Victoria is now reviewing these designs along with alternative visitor service models, indicating the funded project to extend MacKenzie Falls parking has been scrapped.
“The Minister acknowledges that visitor numbers to the Grampians Nationals Park have spiked but has taken funding from the Grampians and is taking no steps to ensure facilities at MacKenzie Falls are upgraded to cater for this increasing demand.
“The Andrews Labor Government must honour their commitment to redevelop the MacKenzie Falls Precinct and ensure the area remains a premier tourist destination for both locals and international visitors alike.”