Grants and awards | December 11, 2015

VicHealth grants for local sporting clubs

Sports and active recreation clubs throughout the Lowan electorate will receive funding as part of the first round of VicHealth’s 2015-16 Active Club Grants program....

Roads | December 11, 2015

Roads Minister invited to travel Wimmera Highway

Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy continues to relentlessly lobby the State Labor Government to address the deteriorating condition of roads across the Lowan Electorate....

Roads | December 11, 2015

Roads Minister invited to travel Casterton-Coleraine Road

Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy continues to relentlessly lobby the State Labor Government to address the deteriorating condition of roads across the Lowan Electorate....

| December 07, 2015

Kealy called for review of firearms licence payments

Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy has successfully lobbied to enable online payment of firearm registrations. “I’ve heard from a number of concerned registered firearm...
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