Volunteers | September 06, 2017
Members statements - Dimboola Boat & Waterski Club
Victorian Parliament - 6 September 2017 - Ms KEALY (Lowan) — On 7 and 8 October the Dimboola Boat & Waterski Club, in conjunction with Barefoot Australia, will run a national barefoot waterski competition in Dimboola. Competitors from across all of Australia will participate in the event, including members of the Australian team awarded gold medals at recent barefoot championships in the USA. The event is being held in memory of long‑term Australian Barefoot Water Ski Club and Dimboola waterski club member Peter Taylor, who recently passed away due to cancer. It is disappointing the state government has failed to make any contribution to this national sporting event. I urge the government to reconsider and provide urgent funding so this important event for the region and Victoria can proceed.