Emergency Services | November 12, 2015

More families waiting for housing under Labor

The waiting list of families seeking public housing in the Wimmera has already blown out under the Andrews Labor Government, with 277 people waiting for housing.

Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy said quarterly figures silently put online by the government showed a disturbing trend, with the state-wide waiting list almost hitting 35,000 people.

Emma Kealy said she was concerned the public housing waiting list was going to blow out like it did under the last Labor government, when it reached around 41,000 people.

“History is repeating itself under the Andrews Labor Government,” Ms Kealy said.

“The public waiting list had been steadily decreasing under the Coalition but it’s taken just six months for Labor to undo everything that had been achieved.

“Despite Daniel Andrews’ promise to reduce the waiting list for public housing, it has now blown out with over 43 people added in the Horsham area in the last six months alone.”

Emma Kealy said the Andrews Labor Government’s 2015/16 Budget forecasts a net loss in public housing residences, which will only force more people onto the waiting list.

“With a budget now in deficit it is hard to see how Daniel Andrews will be able to afford to reverse this concerning trend,” Emma Kealy said.

“Daniel Andrews should explain to local families and children waiting for public housing why they will wait even longer now for a home,” she said.

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