Roads | February 06, 2018
No money for Wannon Falls Reserve turning lane
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is questioning why VicRoads are stating no money is available to repair the Glenelg Highway at the Wannon Falls Reserve entry given Daniel Andrews statements about record country roads funding.
The Wannon Nigretta Community Group has contacted Ms Kealy concerned about unsafe road conditions on the Glenelg Highway at the Wannon Falls turn off. The group believes there is no safe option for vehicles to pull to the side of the highway as the shoulder section is not sealed and is rough with a deep drop off.
“If Daniel Andrews statements about record roads funding are true, why is the Wannon Nigretta Community Group being told there is no funding available to VicRoads to repair the shoulders on the highway or put in a turning lane?” Ms Kealy said.
“Daniel Andrews is constantly talking up his governments investment in roads but the truth is Labor has cut funding for country roads since the Nationals and Liberals were in government in 2014.
“We need more money invested in country roads to keep them at a safe standard, not less.
“If Labor is serious about saving country lives then they must immediately reverse their drastic cuts to the country roads budget and give our local people the roads they deserve,” she said.