Community facilities | November 23, 2015
Nothing new in Daniel Andrew’s Regional Statement
The Andrews Labor Government’s Regional Statement has failed to deliver new infrastructure projects or investment plans for the Wimmera Southern Mallee.
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy said Labor had kept regional Victoria waiting a year for the statement.
“Unfortunately for our area the Regional Statement is a very underwhelming document,” Ms Kealy said.
“Rather than providing new infrastructure projects and investments, the Regional Statement just lists projects that have already been announced, including some by the former Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government.
“It is disappointing that after 12 months in limbo, Labor still doesn’t have a clear vision for the future of regional Victoria.
Ms Kealy cited the Coalition Government’s $12.5 million commitment at the last election to upgrade and expand Horsham’s Grains Centre of Excellence as a perfect example of the ineffectiveness of Labor’s Regional Statement.
“This modernisation project would help us to attract and retain world-leading scientists here at Horsham and help Victoria’s food and fibre produces increase productivity and profitability.”
“The government has no real plan for the future and with thousands of jobs lost across regional Victoria under his watch, Daniel Andrews must do more than come up with glossy brochures and more committees.” Ms Kealy said