Roads | March 07, 2017

Albacutya Bridge

Victorian Parliament - 7 March 2017 - Ms Kealy — After almost 100 years the Albacutya Bridge is at risk of closure due to deterioration. It is essential...

Health | February 22, 2017

Horsham health services

Victorian Parliament - 22 February 2017 - Ms Kealy - Nine doctors have left Horsham since late 2016, resulting in patients waiting for up to a...

Disability | February 22, 2017

Building Inclusive Communities program

Victorian Parliament - 22 February 2017 - Ms Kealy - (12 273) My question is to the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing. The information I seek is: what...

Sport and Recreation | February 22, 2017

Confederation of Australian Motor Sport race

Victorian Parliament - 22 February 2017 - Ms Kealy - It is fabulous that Rainbow has been chosen as the location for a Confederation of Australian Motor...
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