Roads | December 14, 2017
Regional and rural roads - 14 December 2017
Victorian Parliament - 14 December 2017 - Ms KEALY — I would like to address the mistruth that the Minister for Roads and Road Safety is currently peddling regarding roads funding. When compared to the last Liberal‑Nationals actual road asset management budget spend plus CPI, the Andrews Labor government have cut almost $77 million in 2016 and almost $65 million in 2017. Over the past three years of this city‑centric Labor government they have underfunded VicRoads road management by over $50 million. This is equivalent to millions of unrepaired potholes or almost 70 kilometres of new highway that we do not have because Labor continually cut the VicRoads roads budget. They have also cut the highly successful Nationals $160 million country roads and bridges program. Country Victorians deserve better.