Roads | November 15, 2017
Regional & rural roads
Victorian Parliament - 15 November 2017 - Ms KEALY — The quality of roads in western Victoria has never been worse. While we are seeing limited roadworks on major roads after three years of Labor neglect, the quality of repairs in some areas is just appalling and nothing more than a waste of money. In Penshurst I witnessed a road maintenance worker shovel a load of bitumen into a pothole, sprinkle a few stones over it and not bother to compact it in any way, and then minutes later a B‑double log truck drove over it and blew the pothole again. Country people deserve to drive on safe roads, but most importantly any road repairs must last for years, not weeks, days or even minutes. The Minister for Roads and Road Safety must explain to our community why road maintenance contractors are not being held to account for their poor workmanship.